Thursday, May 6, 2010

Another Day, Another Dollar (100 million of them)

I'm glad to know in the midst of an economic depression, there are still people out there willing to drop a tenth of a billion dollars on some Picasso painting. “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust," a painting from 1932, recently set yet another record–$106.5 million to be exact. Chump change you say!!?? The painting had been holed up for decades. Never even been reproduced in color in any publication. I'm surpised that's the case, but then again Picasso was pretty prolific, there are bound to be many of his pieces that manage to slip between the cracks.

The New York Times had a pretty drab outlook on the whole auction too.

Fairly funny read. They're kinda bored with the whole overly-inflated market.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

lazy bones

I've been very bad about posting lately. Nothing will kill a blog quicker than not posting. But, I'm not exactly Clement Greenberg here, so there aren't people beating down the digital door eagerly waiting a new blog post...heheh. Now that I'm finished (for the time being) or atleast caught up on all my artistic endeavors maybe I can resume blahging...more to come!