Monday, October 8, 2007

Show me the Monet!

A couple of hooligans suckerpunched a Monet painting in the Musée d’Orsay this weekend. It was the "Le Pont d'Argenteuil." The painting is probably worth maybe a hundred million? I'm not sure what compels someone to do such a thing, but then again Tyler Durden said it best in Fight Club when he said "I felt like destroying something beautiful."

I've always wondered why people destroy priceless pieces of artwork. I came across a very interesting article on a long time ago. It was basically saying that some people can develop a weird psychological urge to destroy precious artwork when viewing it. It's an actual psychological condition called the "David syndrome" named after the David. People will be filled with overwhelming emotions when viewing captivating artwork to the point where they experience panic attacks and aggression. It's happened to the David, the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo's Pieta, Rembrandt's Danaë, so on and so on.

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